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Bug in egcs.

Dear reader,

I want to report a bug in the egcs C-compiler.
It showed up in a programm for proving first order formulae.
The program runs correctly on cc, djgpp, and other versions of gcc.

The bug shows up when compiling with optimization.

Command used:

gcc -O5 subsumption.c 

Version used:
Reading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/alphaev56-dec-osf4.0d/egcs-2.91.57/specs
gcc version egcs-2.91.57 19980901 (egcs-1.1 release)

Operating System used:
   Digital UNIX V4.0D  (Rev. 878)

Computer used:
  Digital AlphaPC 164 500 MHz
   Firmware revision: 4.9

The problem occurs in the nested for loops, marked
with BB1.
The correct behaviour is to exit with success, through BB2.

It does this when either
   Option -O5 is switched off. (just gcc subsumption.c) 
   The printf("*") BB1 is enabled.
   The printf loop BB3 is enabled.
   cc is used instead of gcc.

With -O5, without the print statements gcc produces a core dump,
and never reaches BB2. 

(In the full program it hanged without crashing)


Hans de Nivelle.
(To replay replace at by @)

Included file subsumption.c:

/* file subsumption.c contains the functions that are related to */
/* subsumption.                                                  */

#define CLASS 

/* Included file basics.h */

/* basics.h   bliksem is a resolution based          */
/* theorem prover.                                   */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
/* your compiler may want to see one of setjmp/setjump.h here */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAXTERMSPACE  5000 
CLASS int freetermspace;
CLASS int termspace [ MAXTERMSPACE ]; 
CLASS int termends [ MAXTERMSPACE ];

#define MAXARITY 16

/* The only use of this flag is when computing a multisetextension */
/* of the recursive path order. If you don't use RPO then the      */
/* value does not matter.                                          */

/* special operators:        */ 

#define OP_NIL                  0
#define OP_DOT                  1

#define OP_FALSE                2
#define OP_TRUE                 3
#define OP_NOT                  4
#define OP_AND                  5
#define OP_OR                   6
#define OP_IMPLIES              7
#define OP_EQUIV                8

#define OP_FORALL               9
#define OP_EXISTS              10
#define OP_NECESSARY           11
#define OP_POSSIBLE            12

#define OP_EQUAL               13
#define OP_REWRITES            14

#define OP_LESS                        15
#define OP_GREATER                     16
#define OP_EQUALEQUAL                  17
#define OP_LESSEQUAL                   18
#define OP_GREATEREQUAL                19
#define OP_GREATERGREATER              20
#define OP_LESSLESS                    21
#define OP_LESSLESSEQUAL               23
#define OP_LESSLESSEQUALEQUAL          25
#define OP_IN                          26

#define OP_PLUS      27
#define OP_MINUS     28
#define OP_TIMES     29
#define OP_DIVIDES   30
#define OP_POW       31

#define OP_UNARYMINUS   32
#define OP_UNARYPLUS    33

/* the first non-primitive operator:  */ 
/* For primitive operators, the entry */
/* operators []. name is useless.     */ 

#define OP_NONPRIMITIVE     34

/* Included file resolution.h   */

/* resolution.h:  The declarations relevant for resolution.   */

/* clauses contains some other things, but it is          */
/* called after its main use:                             */

#define MAXCLAUSES 1000
CLASS int clauses [ MAXCLAUSES ];
CLASS int freeclauses;

/*      Definition of a clause:            */

#define CLAUSE_NUMBER          0
   /* The number of kept clauses before this one was generated. */ 
#define CLAUSE_GENERATION      1
   /* The generation level of this clause. Factorization    */
   /* is not counted, because it is considered              */ 
   /* postprocessing.                                       */
#define CLAUSE_FILT1           2
#define CLAUSE_FILT2           3
#define CLAUSE_FILT3           4
#define CLAUSE_FILT4           5
#define CLAUSE_FILT5           6
#define CLAUSE_FILT6           7
#define CLAUSE_FILT7           8
#define CLAUSE_FILT8           9
   /* Subsumption bit filter.                            */
   /* 0 is used for an fpa that is there. 1 is used for  */
   /* an fpa that is not there.                          */
#define CLAUSE_NEXTHASH       10
   /* The next clause with the same hash value. EMPTYCLAUSELIST */
   /* is used to mark the end of the list.                      */
#define CLAUSE_NEXTINLIST     11
   /* The next clause in the clause list = listinuse/           */
   /* listpassive/listclauses/listunfactored/listproof.         */
#define CLAUSE_DERIVATION     12
   /* Reference to the derivation of the clause, see below for  */
   /* the structure.                                            */
#define CLAUSE_COMP           13
   /* Total complexity of the clause.  */ 
#define CLAUSE_DEPTH          14 
   /* The maximal depth of the clause. */ 
#define CLAUSE_LENGTH         15
   /* The length of the clause.        */
#define CLAUSE_NRVARS         16
   /* Number of variables in the clause.           */
#define CLAUSE_LITERALS       17
   /* Reference to the first literal.              */ 
#define CLAUSE_MAXLITS        18
   /* Reference to the first maximal literal.      */ 
#define CLAUSE_END            19
   /* Reference to the end of the clause.          */

#define CLAUSE_REST           20
   /* Start of the rest of the clause.             */

/* So a clause has the following structure:                     */
/* 1. The header, on clauses [ clause ] ...                     */
/*                   clauses [ clause + CLAUSE_REST ].          */
/* 2. The derivation, on clauses [ clause + CLAUSE_DERIVATION ] */
/*               ...  clauses [ clause + CLAUSE_LITERALS ].     */
/* 3. The non-maximal literals, on                              */
/*             clauses [ clause + CLAUSE_LITERALS ] ...         */
/*             clauses [ clause + CLAUSE_MAXLITS ].             */
/* 4. The maximal literals, on                                  */
/*             clauses [ clause + CLAUSE_MAXLITS ] ...          */
/*             clauses [ clause + CLAUSE_END ].                 */

/* The derivation has the following form:                        */
/* RULE + Parents + ( PROC + parents ) * .                       */
/* So one rule + its parents, followed by 0 or                   */
/* postprocessings.                                              */

/* Derivation rules:   */

#define RULE_BINARY         (-100) 
   /* Standard, ordered binary resolution.     */
#define RULE_PARAMOD        (-101) 
   /* Standard, ordered binary paramodulation. */
#define RULE_EQREFL         (-102) 
   /* Standard, ordered equality reflexivity.  */
#define RULE_DEMOD          (-103) 
   /* Demodulation as a derivation rule. As    */
   /* paramodulation, but unordered and        */
   /* possibly deleting a parent.              */
#define RULE_UNIT           (-104)
   /* As binary resolution but unordered, and  */
   /* possibly deleting a parent.              */
#define RULE_EQDEL          (-105)
   /* As equality reflexivity, but unordered   */
   /* and possibly deleting the parent.        */
#define RULE_INITIAL        (-106)  
   /* For initial clauses.                     */

/* Postprocessings:       */

#define PROC_SPLITPOS        (-200)
#define PROC_SPLITNEG        (-201) 
#define PROC_DEMOD           (-202) 
#define PROC_UNIT            (-203) 
#define PROC_EQDEL           (-204)
#define PROC_FACTOR          (-205)

/*   Variables that control the deduction process:     */

CLASS int subssnl1;
   /* If 1, then each literal must be renamed by subsumption. */

/*  Variables used during the deduction process:         */

#define MAXNRVARS        100 
   /* The maximal number of variables allowed in one clause. */ 
#define MAXCLAUSELEN      50 
   /* Maximal length of a clause.                            */

CLASS int subsentry;
   /* How often the subsumption test is entered.    */
CLASS int subssymbcomp;
   /* How often the symbol + complexity test is     */
   /* passed.                                       */
CLASS int subslitmatch;
   /* How often the literals individually could  */
   /* be matched.                                */
CLASS int subsfullsubs;
   /* How often the full subsumption test is     */
   /* entered.                                   */

/*    Substitutions and matchings:                        */

#define MAXSUBST 300 
CLASS struct
   int var; 
   int varorig; 
   int term; 
   int termorig;
   subst [ MAXSUBST ];
CLASS int freesubst;

CLASS struct
   int var;
   int varorig;
   renaming [ MAXNRVARS ];
CLASS int freerenaming;

#define MAXMATCHING 100 
CLASS struct  
   int var; 
   int term; 
   matching [ MAXMATCHING ];
CLASS int freematching;

/* if 1, a lot of interesting debugging information will be printed. */
#define DEBUG 0

static struct
   int var;
   int term;
   assignments [ MAXASSIGNMENTS ];
static int freeassignments;

/* Array containing lists of sets of simple assignments.     */
/* assignments [ matchstarts ] ... assignments [ matchend ]  */
/* contains a set of assignnments. matchlists [ matchrest ]  */
/* refers to the cdr of the list.                            */
/* The list gives the possible alternatives for matching     */
/* a certain literal.                                        */

static struct
   int matchstart;   /* references into assignments.         */ 
   int matchend;   
   int matchrest;   /* reference into matchlists, -1 on end. */ 
   matchlists [ MAXMATCHLISTS ];
static int freematchlists;

/* literalmatch stores a number of data on the literals in c1 on how */
/* they can be matched into c2.                                      */

static struct
   int matchlist;   /* reference into matchlists, -1 if there is none. */ 
   int firstfit;    /* clauses [ .firstfit ] is the first literal      */
                    /* that matches.                                   */
   int nralternatives;
   int nrvariables; /* nr of variables in the matched literal.         */
   int notinsemtab;
   literalmatch [ MAXCLAUSELEN ];
static int freeliteralmatch;
   /* equal to the length of the first clause. */

static struct
   int conflict;    /* used in conflict. */ 
   int m;           /* the matching.     */ 
   semtab [ MAXCLAUSELEN ];

   /* We use a semantic tableaux for the subsumption algorithm. */

/* Matching for flatterms:                                       */

/* return 1 if term1 and term2 are equal. */ 

static int termsareequal( term1, term2 )
int term1;
int term2;
   int endterm1;

   int a; 
#if 0 
   printstring( &outputfile, "termsareequal " );
   printterm( &outputfile, term1 );
   printstring( &outputfile, " = " ); 
   printterm( &outputfile, term2 );
   printstring( &outputfile, "?\n" ); 
   endterm1 = termends [ term1 ]; 
   while( term1 < endterm1 )
      a = termspace [ term1 ++ ];
      if( a != termspace [ term2 ++ ] )
         return 0;
   return 1;

#if DEBUG 

static void printmatchlist( f, m )
bliksemfile *f;
int m;
   int i;

   for( i = matchlists [m]. matchstart;
        i < matchlists [m]. matchend;
        i ++ ) 
      printvariable( f, assignments [i].var );
      printstring( f, ":=" );
      printterm( f, assignments [i]. term );  
      printstring( f, "  "); 

static void printliteralmatch ( f, clause2start )
bliksemfile *f;
int clause2start;
   int i, j, k;

   printstring( f, "Match lists:\n\n" );

   for( i = 0; i < freeliteralmatch; i ++ ) 
      printstring( f, "(F" );
      printint( f, literalmatch [i]. firstfit - clause2start );
      printstring( f, ", A" );
      printint( f, literalmatch [i]. nralternatives );
      printstring( f, ", V" );
      printint( f, literalmatch [i]. nrvariables ); 
      printstring( f, ", S" );
      printint( f, literalmatch [i]. notinsemtab );
      printstring( f, ")   " );

      k = literalmatch [i]. matchlist;
      while( k != -1 )
         printmatchlist( f, k );

         printstring( f, "| " );
         k = matchlists [k]. matchrest; 
      printstring( f, "\n" );


/* return 1 if matchlists m1 and m2 are consistent.      */
/* both m1 and m2 are references into matchlists.        */ 
/* matchlists are consistent if they do not assign       */
/* different values to the same variable.                */

static int matchlistsconsistent( m1, m2 )
int m1;
int m2;
   int b1, e1;
   int b2, e2;
   int i, j;

   b1 = matchlists [ m1 ]. matchstart; 
   e1 = matchlists [ m1 ]. matchend; 
   b2 = matchlists [ m2 ]. matchstart; 
   e2 = matchlists [ m2 ]. matchend;

   for( i = b1; i < e1; i ++ ) 
      for( j = b2; j < e2; j ++ ) 
         if( assignments [i]. var == assignments [j]. var )
            if( ! termsareequal( assignments [i]. term,
                                 assignments [j]. term ))
               return 0;
   return 1;

/* try to construct a matching of term1 into term2.   */
/* If none exists, then return -1.                         */
/* If there exists one, then put it in                     */
/* matchlists [ freematchlists ], and return          */         
/* freematchlists.                                            */

static int makematch ( term1, term2 ) 
int term1;
int term2;
   int i;
   int a; 
   int term1end;
   int firstassignment; 

   term1end = termends [ term1 ];
   if( term1end - term1 > termends [ term2 ] - term2 )
      return -1;

   firstassignment = freeassignments;  

   while( term1 < term1end )  
      a = termspace [ term1 ++ ]; 
      if( a < 0 )
         for( i = firstassignment; i < freeassignments; i ++ ) 
            if( assignments [i]. var == a )
               if( ! termsareequal( assignments [i]. term, term2 ))
                  freeassignments = firstassignment;
                  return -1;
               term2 = termends [ term2 ]; 
               goto next;
         assignments [ freeassignments ]. var = a;
         assignments [ freeassignments ]. term = term2;
         freeassignments ++ ;
         if( freeassignments >= MAXASSIGNMENTS - 3 )
             printf( "assignments is full" );
         term2 = termends [ term2 ]; 
         if( a != termspace [ term2 ++ ] )
            freeassignments = firstassignment;
            return -1;
   matchlists [ freematchlists ]. matchstart = firstassignment;
   matchlists [ freematchlists ]. matchend = freeassignments;
   matchlists [ freematchlists ]. matchrest = -1; 

   if( freematchlists >= MAXMATCHLISTS - 3 )
      printf( "matchlists is full" ); 

   return freematchlists ++;

/* try to construct a matching of term1 into term2, with the */
/* additional constraint that the matching must be a         */
/* renaming.                                                 */
/* For the rest makematchsnl1 behaves the same as            */
/* makematchsnl.                                             */

static int makematchsnl1 ( term1, term2 ) 
int term1;
int term2;
   int i;
   int a; 
   int term1end;
   int firstassignment; 

   term1end = termends [ term1 ];
   if( term1end - term1 != termends [ term2 ] - term2 )
      return -1;

   firstassignment = freeassignments;  

   while( term1 < term1end )  
      a = termspace [ term1 ++ ]; 
      if( a < 0 )
         if( termspace [ term2 ] >= 0 )
            freeassignments = firstassignment; 
            return -1;
         for( i = firstassignment; i < freeassignments; i ++ ) 
            if( assignments [i]. var == a )
               if( ! termsareequal( assignments [i]. term, term2 ))
                  freeassignments = firstassignment;
                  return -1;
               term2 = termends [ term2 ]; 
               goto next;
         for( i = firstassignment; i < freeassignments; i ++ ) 
            if( termspace [ term2 ] == termspace [ assignments [i]. term ] )
               freeassignments = firstassignment;
               return -1;
         assignments [ freeassignments ]. var = a;
         assignments [ freeassignments ]. term = term2;
         freeassignments ++ ;
         if( freeassignments >= MAXASSIGNMENTS - 3 )
            printf( "assignments is full" );
         term2 = termends [ term2 ]; 
         if( a != termspace [ term2 ++ ] )
            freeassignments = firstassignment;
            return -1;
   matchlists [ freematchlists ]. matchstart = firstassignment;
   matchlists [ freematchlists ]. matchend = freeassignments;
   matchlists [ freematchlists ]. matchrest = -1; 

   if( freematchlists >= MAXMATCHLISTS - 3 )
      printf( "matchlists is full" ); 

   return freematchlists ++;

/* this function tries to refute in a semantic tableaux manner. */

/* the backtracking for subsumption. */ 
/* n is the depth.                   */

static int subsbt( n )
int n;
   int best, mostvar;
   int i;
   int m;

   printf("subsbt( %d )\n", n );  

   for( i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) 
      printf("%d: %d  ", i, semtab [i].conflict );
      printmatchlist( &outputfile, semtab [i]. m );
   printstring( &outputfile, "\n" );

   if( n == freeliteralmatch )
      return 1;
   /* determine which is the best to start with.    */
   /* This is one which has nralternatives == 1,    */
   /* or otherwise the largest number of variables. */

   mostvar = -1;
   for( i = 0; i < freeliteralmatch; i ++ ) 
      if( literalmatch [i]. notinsemtab )
         if( literalmatch [i]. nralternatives == 1 )
            best = i;
            goto decided;
         if( literalmatch [i]. nrvariables > mostvar )
            best = i;
            mostvar = literalmatch [i]. nrvariables;

   printf("chosen %d\n", best ); 

   literalmatch [ best ]. notinsemtab = 0;
   for( m = literalmatch [ best ]. matchlist;
        m >= 0; 
        m = matchlists [m]. matchrest )
      for( i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
         if( ! matchlistsconsistent( m, semtab [i]. m ))
            semtab [i]. conflict = 1;
            goto conflict;
      semtab [n]. conflict = 0;
      semtab [n]. m = m;
      if( subsbt( n + 1 ))
         return 1;
      if( ! semtab [n]. conflict )
         printf("%d is irrelevant\n", n ); 
         goto notused;
   literalmatch [ best ]. notinsemtab = 1;

   printf("failed on level %d\n", n ); 

   return 0; 

/* return 1 if clause1 subsumes clause2.     */

int subsumes2( clause1, clause2 )
int clause1;
int clause2;
   /* these are references into termspace:  */ 
   int clause1start, clause2start;
   int clause1end, clause2end;
   int clause1len, clause2len;

   int i, j;
   int term1, term2; 
   int m;
   int othermatch;

   clause2 = clause1; 
   printf("%d\n", clause1 ); 

   /* BB3.  */
#if 0
   for( i = 0; i < 7; i ++ )
      printf("%d ", termspace [i] );
   for( i = 0; i < 7; i ++ )
      printf("%d ", termends [i] ); 
   for( i = 0; i < 23; i ++ )
      printf("%d ", clauses [clause1 + i] );

   subsentry ++ ; 
   clause1len = clauses [ clause1 + CLAUSE_LENGTH ];
   clause2len = clauses [ clause2 + CLAUSE_LENGTH ];

   if( clause1len > clause2len )
      return 0;

   if( clauses [ clause1 + CLAUSE_COMP ] > 
       clauses [ clause2 + CLAUSE_COMP ] ) 
      return 0;

   if( clauses [ clause1 + CLAUSE_DEPTH ] > 
       clauses [ clause2 + CLAUSE_DEPTH ] ) 
      return 0;

   clause1start = clauses [ clause1 + CLAUSE_LITERALS ];
   clause1end = clauses [ clause1 + CLAUSE_END ]; 
   clause2start = clauses [ clause2 + CLAUSE_LITERALS ]; 
   clause2end = clauses [ clause2 + CLAUSE_END ];
   /* Step 1: Try a propositional matching, using the   */
   /*         complexities.                             */

   if( subssnl1 && clause1len > 1 )
      for( i = clause1start; i < clause1end; i ++ ) 
         for( j = clause2start; j < clause2end; j ++ )
            term1 = clauses [i];
            term2 = clauses [j];
            if( termspace [ term1 ] != termspace [ term2 ] ) 
               goto doesnotfit1;
            if( termends [ term1 ] - term1 !=
                termends [ term2 ] - term2 )
               goto doesnotfit1;
            if( termspace [ term1 ] == OP_NOT ) 
               term1 ++ ; term2 ++ ; 
               if( termspace [ term1 ] != termspace [ term2 ] )
                  goto doesnotfit1;
            literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. firstfit = j;
            goto propmatchfound1;
         /* propositional matching failed: */
         return 0;


      subssymbcomp ++ ; 
      /* Step 2: Try to construct the complete matchings: */ 

      freeassignments = 0;
      freematchlists = 0; 
      for( i = clause1start; i < clause1end; i ++ ) 
         for( j = literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. firstfit; 
              j < clause2end; j ++ )
            m = makematchsnl1( clauses [i], clauses [j] );
            if( m >= 0 )
               literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. matchlist = m;
               literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. firstfit = j; 
               literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. nralternatives = 1;
               literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. nrvariables = 
                  matchlists [m]. matchend - matchlists [m]. matchstart; 
               goto fullmatchfound1;
         /* matching failed. Bye bye! */
         return 0;
      /* printf("Try propositional matchings:"); */

      for( i = clause1start; i < clause1end; i ++ ) 
         for( j = clause2start; j < clause2end; j ++ ) 
#if 0
            /* BB1. */
            term1 = clauses [i];
            term2 = clauses [j];
            if( termspace [ term1 ] != termspace [ term2 ] ) 
               goto doesnotfit2;
            if( termends [ term1 ] - term1 >
                termends [ term2 ] - term2 ) 
               goto doesnotfit2;
            if( termspace [ term1 ] == OP_NOT ) 
               term1 ++ ; term2 ++ ; 
               if( termspace [ term1 ] != termspace [ term2 ] )
                  goto doesnotfit2;
            literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. firstfit = j; 
            goto propmatchfound2; 
         /* propositional matching failed: */
         printf("exit with 0\n");
         return 0; 


      /* BB2. */
      printf("exit with success\n"); 
      subssymbcomp ++ ; 

      /* Step 2: Try to construct the complete matchings: */ 

      freeassignments = 0;
      freematchlists = 0; 
      for( i = clause1start; i < clause1end; i ++ ) 
         for( j = literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. firstfit; 
              j < clause2end; j ++ )
            m = makematch( clauses [i], clauses [j] );
            if( m >= 0 )
               literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. matchlist = m;
               literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. firstfit = j; 
               literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. nralternatives = 1;
               literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. nrvariables = 
                  matchlists [m]. matchend - matchlists [m]. matchstart; 
               goto fullmatchfound2;
         /* matching failed. Bye bye! */
         return 0;

   subslitmatch ++ ; 

   freeliteralmatch = clause1len;

   /* Step 3 is to see if the matchings constructed by Step 2   */
   /* can be combined. If this is the case we are lucky.        */

   for( i = 0; i < freeliteralmatch; i ++ ) 
      for( j = 0; j < i; j ++ ) 
         if( ! matchlistsconsistent( 
                      literalmatch [ i ]. matchlist, 
                      literalmatch [ j ]. matchlist ))
            goto step4;             
   return 1;

   /* Step 4: At this point we have been unlucky. Now we must      */
   /*    construct all matchings, and start backtracking.          */
   /*    First construct all possible matchings:                   */
   /*    It might be not worth the effort to continue at this      */
   /*    moment. Maybe one can live with incomplete subsumption.   */ 

   othermatch = 0; 
   for( i = clause1start; i < clause1end; i ++ ) 
      for( j = literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. firstfit + 1; 
           j < clause2end; j ++  )
         m = makematch( clauses [i], clauses [j] );
         if( m >= 0 ) 
            matchlists [m]. matchrest = 
               literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. matchlist; 
            literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. matchlist = m;
            literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. nralternatives ++ ;
            othermatch = 1;
      literalmatch [ i - clause1start ]. notinsemtab = 1;

   printliteralmatch( &outputfile, clause2start ); 

   if( ! othermatch )
      return 0;

   subsfullsubs ++ ;

#if 0
   printstring( &outputfile, "full subsumption:  ");
   printclause( &outputfile, clause1 ); 
   printclause( &outputfile, clause2 ); 
   printstring( &outputfile, "\n\n" );

   /* step 5: So now the real hard works starts:                 */

   return subsbt ( 0 ); 

main( )
   subssnl1 = 0; 

   clauses [0] = 11;
   clauses [1] = 1;
   clauses [2] = -17;
   clauses [3] = -9;
   clauses [4] = -1;
   clauses [5] = -1;
   clauses [6] = 0;
   clauses [7] = -1;
   clauses [8] = -1;
   clauses [9] = -1;
   clauses [10] = 0;
   clauses [11] = 0;
   clauses [12] = 20;
   clauses [13] = 6;
   clauses [14] = 2;
   clauses [15] = 2;
   clauses [16] = 2;
   clauses [17] = 21;
   clauses [18] = 22;
   clauses [19] = 23; 
   clauses [20] = -106;
   clauses [21] = 4;
   clauses [22] = 0;

   termspace [0] = 4;
   termspace [1] = 54;
   termspace [2] = -1;
   termspace [3] = -2;
   termspace [4] = 35;
   termspace [5] = -1;
   termspace [6] = -2;

   termends [0] = 4;
   termends [1] = 4;
   termends [2] = 3;
   termends [3] = 4;
   termends [4] = 7;
   termends [5] = 6;
   termends [6] = 7;

   subsumes2( 0, 0 );

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