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Bug in egcs


maybe I found a bug in egcs:

When I compiled a program, it said:

../VrmlParse.cpp: In function `void traverseCallback(class Vrml2Node *)':
../VrmlParse.cpp:263: Internal compiler error 364.
../VrmlParse.cpp:263: Please submit a full bug report to `'.

Line 263 in this file was:

    f->applyMatrix((Vrml2Matrix&)*NULL, currentTexMatrix);

(This works with gcc 2.7.2 and gcc 2.8.0)

The Prototype of this function is:

void Vrml2IndexedFaceSet::applyMatrix(const Vrml2Matrix &M, 
				      const Vrml2Matrix &TM);

When I changed the call to 

    f->applyMatrix(*((Vrml2Matrix*)NULL), currentTexMatrix);

it worked with egcs too.

The egcs version I use:

[atan@HAL LINUX]$ egcs --version
egcs-2.90.27 980315 (egcs-1.0.2 release)


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