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Re: dbxout.c stabs output problem

Jim Wilson wrote:
> There is stabs documentation in gdb/doc/stabs.texinfo.  If gcc is emitting
> stabs that disagree with this, then it could be a gcc bug, or it could be
> that the documentation is out of date.

I compared the latest stabs.texinfo (gdb 4.17) earlier version I had
been using and the diffs are essentially new info about BINCL and EINCL.
Not a word about the difference I'm seeing in C++ stabs.

For example:
typedef struct {
    long lo, hi;
} longlong;

int main(void)

Compiled with -g -S, gcc 2.7 produces the following stabs for longlong:


which can easily be parsed based on the info in the stabs manual. But
with ecgs/pgcc (gcc 2.8 stabs) we get:


Fed this stabs, emxomf breaks on the last 20 (in the ";;,20;:__as__"
sequence) with an "invalid type for member function __as" message. t20
here is the basic void type, i.e.

.stabs "void:t20=20",128,0,0,0

The front end is clearly doing a lot more with struct longlong than it
did before.

> In a practical sense, gcc stabs are considered correct if the gdb testsuite
> passes.  Sometimes, gcc stabs are considered incorrect if other programs
> reading them (such as the SunOS4 dbx) fail.

I would put emxomf in that category and attribute its failures to either
new or buggy stabs, or a combination of the two as we saw with ar0 and
the possibly unnecessary nested type definitions. But whether its crash
on the "20" is a bug or new info that it has to be rewritten to expect
is very hard to tell amid the far more elaborate stabs.


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