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RE: Problems linking alloca

> What compiler did you use for the build.  Since it sounds like you
> started a build, it failed, then you restarted it after installing
> bison, how far did the first build get?  Are you sure that the same
> compiler is being used for the second build that was used for the
> first build.

Since I've been messing around too much with the configuration, I decided to
remove bison and egcs and then do a fresh reinstall of egcs. (only hp
bundled cc compiler present)

After browsing through the pages, I also decided to install gnu sed and gnu
make first, and use those instead of the HP originals.

Now everything went fine. The only thing that worries me slightly, is the
huge amount of warnings from cc1 saying that -g is invalid when not using
GAS. However, the webpages say that 'make bootstrap' should produce GAS
first, before starting to build the compiler. Also the webpages strongly
advice using GAS instead of the hp assembler.

Should I have installed the binutils first ?

Peter Bienstman
INTEC / University of Gent
St.-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
B-9000 Gent - Belgium                        
Tel : +32 9 264 3445
Fax : +32 9 264 3593

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