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bug report for egcs-1.0.2

There are two problems I found which are specific (it seems) to the
-mamdk5 option. I don't know if I should report it to you or the pgcc
people but anyway here is what I found.

first of all: $ gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-pc-linux-gnu/pgcc-2.90.27/specs
gcc version pgcc-2.90.27 980315 (egcs-1.0.2 release)

I include a strange bit of code in c++ that I wrote today. The problem is
that compiling with -mamdk5 -O9 does not produce correct output. All other
combinations of -O and -m seem to produce correct code.

The second thing that concerns me is that -mamdk5 produces less efficient
code on my Amd K5 . This happens only when optimization is turned on. It
seems that -mamdk5 -O is 10% slower that -m386 -O.

Thanks in advance.

Dimitromanolakis Apostolos
#include <iostream.h>

class vlong
			int s;
			char *d;
			vlong(int x=300) { s = x; d = new char [x]; for(int i=0;i<x;i++) d[i]=0; }
			~vlong() { delete d; }
			void add(int b);
			void sub(int b);
			int div(int b);
			void mul(int b);
			void print();
			int size() { int i; for(i=0;d[i]==0;i++); return s-i; }
void vlong::add(int b)
for(int i=s-1, j=b; i>=0; i--)
		j += d[i];
		d[i] = j%10;
		j = j/10;		

void vlong::sub(int b)
for(int i=s-1, j=-b, c=0; i>=0; i--)
		j += d[i]-c;
		if(j<0) c=1,j+=10; else c=0;
		d[i] = j%10;
		j = j/10;

void vlong::mul(int b)
for(int i=s-1, j=0; i>=0; i--)
	  j += d[i] * b;
		d[i] = j%10;
		j = j/10;		

int vlong::div(int b)
int j=0;

for(int i=0; i<s; i++)
	  j = 10*j + d[i];
		d[i] = j/b;
		j = j % b;

return j;

void vlong::print()
int i;

for(;i<s;i++) cout << (int)d[i];

void show(int d,int m)
int n;

		vlong a;
		for(int i=0;i<n;i++) a.mul(10);

		int r = a.div(10*m-1);

		if(r==0 && a.size()<=n)
			  for(int k=n;k!=a.size();k--) cout << '0';
				cout << d << '\n';

int d,m;

//	cout << d << ' ' << m << '\n';

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