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include problem on Linux alpha RedHat5.0

Dear sir,

I acquired recently a 164LX DecAlpha machine with Linux RedHat 5.0
preinstalled. when starting compiling the whole egcs tree, compiling
toplevel.c exited because of a bad include in /usr/include

I changed /usr/src/linux-2.0.33/include/asm-alpha/resources.h 
 the following lines:
#define __KERNEL_RLIMIT_CPU     0       /* CPU time in ms */
#define __KERNEL_RLIMIT_FSIZE   1       /* Maximum filesize */
#define __KERNEL_RLIMIT_DATA    2       /* max data size */
#define __KERNEL_RLIMIT_STACK   3       /* max stack size */
#define __KERNEL_RLIMIT_CORE    4       /* max core file size */
#define __KERNEL_RLIMIT_RSS     5       /* max resident set size */
#define __KERNEL_RLIMIT_NOFILE  6       /* max number of open files */
#define __KERNEL_RLIMIT_AS      7       /* address space limit(?) */
#define __KERNEL_RLIMIT_NPROC   8       /* max number of processes */
#define __KERNEL_RLIMIT_MEMLOCK 9       /* max locked-in-memory addr.
space */

#define __KERNEL_RLIM_NLIMITS   10


#define RLIMIT_CPU      0       /* CPU time in ms */
#define RLIMIT_FSIZE    1       /* Maximum filesize */
#define RLIMIT_DATA     2       /* max data size */
#define RLIMIT_STACK    3       /* max stack size */
#define RLIMIT_CORE     4       /* max core file size */
#define RLIMIT_RSS      5       /* max resident set size */
#define RLIMIT_NOFILE   6       /* max number of open files */
#define RLIMIT_AS       7       /* address space limit(?) */
#define RLIMIT_NPROC    8       /* max number of processes */
#define RLIMIT_MEMLOCK  9       /* max locked-in-memory addr. space */

#define RLIM_NLIMITS    10

which is how these define look for other architecture.

Is it a valid correction?
I am not atall a hacker and I wonder if it is a problem with Linux
2.0.33  or a problem with egcs. 

Best regards

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