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Internal compiler error 40: pointer to member function syntax

While trying to figure out how to call a pointer to member function 
in egcs 1.0 I got the following message:

g++ -g -c test.C
test.C: In method `void ODEsolver::init()':
test.C:41: warning: assuming & on `(*this) .* ODEsolver::midpointODE(vector<double,__default_alloc_template<false,0> > &, double &, double &)'
test.C: In method `void ODEsolver::timeloop(class vector<double,__default_alloc_template<false,0> > &, double, double, double)':
test.C:46: Internal compiler error 40.
test.C:46: Please submit a full bug report to `'.

<phil@peacock: test.dir/ODEsolver> g++ -v
Reading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/egcs-2.90.21/specs
gcc version egcs-2.90.21 971202 (egcs-1.00 release)

<phil@peacock: test.dir/ODEsolver> uname -a
SunOS peacock 5.6 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-2

test.C is appended below.  I would also be grateful if someone could
tip me to the correct syntax to invoke a member function via a pointer
to member function.  A bare:


works in g++ but not with egcs.

Thanks, Phil Austin


#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class ODEsolver
	void eulerODE(vector<double>& y, double& t, double& dt);
	void midpointODE(vector<double>& y, double& t, double& dt);

        void (ODEsolver::*useMethod)(vector<double>&, double&, double&);
       	void init();

	void timeloop(vector<double>& y, double ts, double te, double dt);


void ODEsolver::eulerODE(vector<double>& y, double& t, double& dt)
  y[0] = dt * 2.;

void ODEsolver::midpointODE(vector<double>& y, double& t, double& dt)
  y[0] = dt * 3.;

void ODEsolver::init()
  ODEsolver::useMethod = ODEsolver::midpointODE;

void ODEsolver::timeloop(vector<double>& y, double ts, double te, double dt)

int main (int nargs, char** args)
  ODEsolver solver;
  vector<double> y(2);  double t_start=5.;  double t_end=7.;  double dt=2.;
  cout << y[0] << endl;

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