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Re: allocate with mold

On 08/23/2016 02:17 AM, Andre Vehreschild wrote:
Hi all,

let me add my knowledge to this, because I have added the Fortran 2003
feature of taking the array specification from the source=/mold=
expression instead of having to give an explicit array specification:

- the feature was added during the for this necessary rework of the
  ALLOCATE() routines in the compiler, which was done for the

- porting it back to gcc-5 is not feasible without porting back a major
  part of the code, which would render the gcc-5 release identical to
  the gcc-6 release.

Therefore, IMO is this just not supported in gcc-5 and will not be. If
you need this feature, you will have to take all the benefits of a
gcc-6-series compiler.


On Mon, 22 Aug 2016 22:32:45 -0700
Damian Rouson <> wrote:

I have confirmed that the reported behavior exists in gfortran 5.4.0
based on the following simplified version of the submitted code:

integer, allocatable :: b(:)

whereas gfortran 6.1.0 compiles the above code without error. I guess
the only question is whether this feature can be ported back to the
GCC 5 branch.  I see no mention of "mold=“ in the GCC 5 series
release notes at


On August 22, 2016 at 11:28:18 AM, B Finney
( wrote:

My understanding (likely wrong) is that the mold= attribute for
allocate was available in gfortran from (at least) 5.1. The
following program complied with gfortran version 5.3

gcc version 5.3.1 20160301 [gcc-5-branch revision 233849] (SUSE

results in an error that suggests mold isn't working?

program allocate_array
implicit none
integer, dimension(3,2)::a
integer, dimension(:,:),allocatable::b
end program allocate_array


Error: Array specification required in ALLOCATE statement at (1)

Thanks everybody for your replies. My belief that mold= was implemented in version 5.x was from the chart at
which lists the feature in version 5.2.  Clearly the chart is wrong.

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