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[gomp4] Extend libgomp's fortran test coverage of host_data

This patch ports libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/host_data-1.c to fortran.
Fortunately, the existing fortran host_data infrastructure was already
in place, so I had to do was port over the calls to Nvidia's CUDA BLAS

There are a couple of details that one needs to consider when using CUDA
BLAS in gfortran. First, if you want to use Nvidia's wrapper functions
written in C to set up the appropriate cuda device contexts, then use
the thunking variants of the functions described here
Otherwise, it's much easier to let gfortran's OpenACC runtime manage the
data mappings and use the host_data clause to pass those data pointers
to the CUDA BLAS library calls.

In terms of calling the actual CUDA BLAS functions, there's already good
documentation for that here
Basically, those library calls need a function interface with a special
C binding. The function I tested in host_data-2.f90 is cublasSaxpy.
Other function interfaces will need to be created as necessary.

I've applied this patch to gomp-4_0-branch.

2016-08-11  Cesar Philippidis  <>

	* testsuite/libgomp.oacc-fortran/host_data-1.f90: Remove stale xfail.
	* testsuite/libgomp.oacc-fortran/host_data-2.f90: New test.

diff --git a/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.oacc-fortran/host_data-1.f90 b/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.oacc-fortran/host_data-1.f90
index 497b0f7..69a491d 100644
--- a/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.oacc-fortran/host_data-1.f90
+++ b/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.oacc-fortran/host_data-1.f90
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
 ! { dg-do run }
 ! { dg-additional-options "-cpp" }
-! { dg-xfail-if "TODO" { *-*-* } }
-! { dg-excess-errors "TODO" }
 program test
   implicit none
diff --git a/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.oacc-fortran/host_data-2.f90 b/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.oacc-fortran/host_data-2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68e14e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.oacc-fortran/host_data-2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+! Test host_data interoperability with CUDA blas.
+! { dg-do run { target openacc_nvidia_accel_selected } }
+! { dg-additional-options "-lcublas" }
+program test
+  implicit none
+  integer, parameter :: N = 10
+  integer :: i
+  real*4 :: x_ref(N), y_ref(N), x(N), y(N), a
+  interface
+     subroutine cublassaxpy(N, alpha, x, incx, y, incy) bind(c, name="cublasSaxpy")
+       use iso_c_binding
+       integer(kind=c_int), value :: N
+       real*4, value :: alpha
+       type(*), dimension(*) :: x
+       integer(kind=c_int), value :: incx
+       type(*), dimension(*) :: y
+       integer(kind=c_int), value :: incy
+     end subroutine cublassaxpy
+  end interface
+  a = 2.0
+  do i = 1, N
+     x(i) = 4.0 * i
+     y(i) = 3.0
+     x_ref(i) = x(i)
+     y_ref(i) = y(i)
+  end do
+  call saxpy (N, a, x_ref, y_ref)
+  !$acc data copyin (x) copy (y)
+  !$acc host_data use_device (x, y)
+  call cublassaxpy(N, a, x, 1, y, 1)
+  !$acc end host_data
+  !$acc end data
+  do i = 1, N
+     if (y(i) .ne. y_ref(i)) call abort
+  end do
+  !$acc data create (x) copyout (y)
+  !$acc parallel loop
+  do i = 1, N
+     y(i) = 3.0
+  end do
+  !$acc end parallel loop
+  !$acc host_data use_device (x, y)
+  call cublassaxpy(N, a, x, 1, y, 1)
+  !$acc end host_data
+  !$acc end data
+  do i = 1, N
+     if (y(i) .ne. y_ref(i)) call abort
+  end do
+  y(:) = 3.0
+  !$acc data copyin (x) copyin (a) copy (y)
+  !$acc parallel present (x) pcopy (y) present (a)
+  call saxpy (N, a, x, y)
+  !$acc end parallel
+  !$acc end data
+  do i = 1, N
+     if (y(i) .ne. y_ref(i)) call abort
+  end do
+end program test
+subroutine saxpy (nn, aa, xx, yy)
+  integer :: nn
+  real*4 :: aa, xx(nn), yy(nn)
+  integer i
+  real*4 :: t
+  !$acc routine
+  do i = 1, nn
+    yy(i) = yy(i) + aa * xx(i)
+  end do
+end subroutine saxpy

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