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Re: side effects of the compiler-generated calls

Tobias Schlüter wrote:
Tobias Schlüter wrote:
David Livshin wrote:
gfortran generated code uses calls to routines with the names that begin with “_gfortran_”, e.g. “_gfortran_set_std”, “_gfortran_st_write” etc. What are the side effects of these routines? What registers are used/affected by them? And most importantly, do they affect the value of the stack pointer ( %esp )?

They are normal function calls in the C sense, so arguments are pushed on the stack by the caller, and the caller pops them off the stack after the callee has returned, so it's a bit of a matter of definition to say if the call affects %esp or not, but the _callee_ will return it unchanged.

But maybe that's not your question, could you give more detail on what you're trying to achieve?

Forgot to say this: the point of these calls are for a large part their side-effects: be it writing to some file (_gfortran_st_write), be it initializing the library to use some conventions (_gfortran_set_std).

Again, more details would be helpful.
Actually I hoped that as routines from the fortran library, they might have "simplified" calling convention, e.g. affect less ( then normal calls ) resources ( registers ). As to the stack pointer, analyzing the compiler generated code, I didn't see any cases of stack-adjustment after the calls to these routines - the question is if I may assume it to be a rule; for what routines is it a rule?

I need all this to perform an efficient data flow analysis of the gfortran generated assembly code ( part of the x86 optimizer ).

Thank you,


David Livshin

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