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tuple move constructor


does anyone remember why the move constructor of _Tuple_impl is not defaulted? The attached patch does not cause any test to fail (whitespace kept to avoid line number changes). Maybe something about tuples of references?

I don't remember how I noticed, maybe some is_trivial trait was failing unexpectedly, or the move constructor was not deleted when I expected it to be...

Marc Glisse
Index: libstdc++-v3/include/std/tuple
--- libstdc++-v3/include/std/tuple	(revision 234507)
+++ libstdc++-v3/include/std/tuple	(working copy)
       template<typename _UHead, typename... _UTail, typename = typename
                enable_if<sizeof...(_Tail) == sizeof...(_UTail)>::type> 
         constexpr _Tuple_impl(_UHead&& __head, _UTail&&... __tail)
 	: _Inherited(std::forward<_UTail>(__tail)...),
 	  _Base(std::forward<_UHead>(__head)) { }
       constexpr _Tuple_impl(const _Tuple_impl&) = default;
-      _Tuple_impl(_Tuple_impl&& __in)
-      noexcept(__and_<is_nothrow_move_constructible<_Head>,
-	              is_nothrow_move_constructible<_Inherited>>::value)
-      : _Inherited(std::move(_M_tail(__in))), 
-	_Base(std::forward<_Head>(_M_head(__in))) { }
+      _Tuple_impl(_Tuple_impl&&) = default;
       template<typename... _UElements>
         constexpr _Tuple_impl(const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>& __in)
 	: _Inherited(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>::_M_tail(__in)),
 	  _Base(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>::_M_head(__in)) { }
       template<typename _UHead, typename... _UTails>
         constexpr _Tuple_impl(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>&& __in)
 	: _Inherited(std::move
 		     (_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_tail(__in))),
       : _Base(__head) { }
       template<typename _UHead>
         constexpr _Tuple_impl(_UHead&& __head)
 	: _Base(std::forward<_UHead>(__head)) { }
       constexpr _Tuple_impl(const _Tuple_impl&) = default;
-      _Tuple_impl(_Tuple_impl&& __in)
-      noexcept(is_nothrow_move_constructible<_Head>::value)
-      : _Base(std::forward<_Head>(_M_head(__in))) { }
+      _Tuple_impl(_Tuple_impl&&) = default;
       template<typename _UHead>
         constexpr _Tuple_impl(const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>& __in)
 	: _Base(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in)) { }
       template<typename _UHead>
         constexpr _Tuple_impl(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>&& __in)
 	: _Base(std::forward<_UHead>(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in)))
 	{ }

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