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[PATCH] libstdc++: Add operator-> support to unique_ptr xmethod.


This patch adds operator-> support to the unique_ptr xmethod.

Note: This patch assumes these two patches have been committed.

Regression tested on amd64-linux.

2015-04-27  Doug Evans  <>

	* python/libstdcxx/v6/ (UniquePtrMethodsMatcher): Add
	* testsuite/libstdc++-xmethods/ Add tests for operator->.

--- ./python/libstdcxx/v6/	2015-04-27 10:46:52.000000000 -0700
+++ ./python/libstdcxx/v6/	2015-04-27 15:47:22.000000000 -0700
@@ -581,6 +581,7 @@ class UniquePtrMethodsMatcher(gdb.xmetho
                                             matcher_name_prefix + 'unique_ptr')
         self._method_dict = {
             'get': LibStdCxxXMethod('get', UniquePtrGetWorker),
+            'operator->': LibStdCxxXMethod('operator->', UniquePtrGetWorker),
             'operator*': LibStdCxxXMethod('operator*', UniquePtrDerefWorker),
         self.methods = [self._method_dict[m] for m in self._method_dict]

--- ./testsuite/libstdc++-xmethods/	2015-04-27 10:51:07.000000000 -0700
+++ ./testsuite/libstdc++-xmethods/	2015-04-27 15:48:05.000000000 -0700
@@ -20,20 +20,36 @@
 #include <memory>
+struct x_struct
+  int y;
 main ()
   int *i = new int;
   *i = 10;
   std::unique_ptr<int> p(i);
+  x_struct *x = new x_struct;
+  x->y = 23;
+  std::unique_ptr<x_struct> q(x);
 // { dg-final { note-test *p 10 } }
 // { dg-final { regexp-test p.get() 0x.* } }
 // { dg-final { whatis-test *p int } }
 // { dg-final { whatis-test p.get() int } }
+// { dg-final { note-test *q {\{y = 23\}} } }
+// { dg-final { regexp-test q.get() 0x.* } }
+// { dg-final { note-test q->y 23 } }
+// { dg-final { whatis-test *q x_struct } }
+// { dg-final { whatis-test q.get() x_struct } }
+// { dg-final { whatis-test q->y int } }
   return 0;  // Mark SPOT

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