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Re: [v3] libstdc++/41975

There is however an other potential issue with shrinking the unordered container when elements are erased. Iterators can remain valid but the following code won't have the expected behavior:

template <typename _Pred>
void erase_if(std::unordered_set<int> c, _Pred pred)
    std::unordered_set<int>::iterator it = c.begin();
    while (it != c.end())
        if (pred(*it))
            it = c.erase(it);

As soon as an iterator is erased and the container is rehashed the returned (valid) iterator might become the iterator just before the container end skipping a lot of elements that won't be tested with pred. Is erase returned iterator purpose this one ? If so it means that the container can't be rehash when shrinking and I won't have any solution for 41975.
I have yet to digest your entire message but frankly I don't think we want to rehash upon erase (note, among other things that the hash function is allowed to throw in general and that's why I think we want unconditionally to store the hash, among other things). As regards the above, Table 103 in the FDIS for a.erase(q) seems pretty clear to me: "Return value is the iterator immediately following q prior to the erasure". Is your implementation conforming to the latter requirement?

Otherwise, the idea of having a single linked list of course is right + some other details which I figured out time ago and can dig out for you, if you want. But anyway, hash stored + single linked list is most of that.


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