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Re: [C++] Should the complexity of std::list::size() be O(n) or O(1)?

Paolo Carlini wrote:
Peter Dimov wrote:

At one point, all known implementations were using T* for
vector<T>::iterator; people made reasoning similar to the above and
later found that they had to re-evaluiate their assumptions.

There are good arguments to be made in support of the claim that iterators into contiguous storage need to be pointers to allow algorithms to detect the case.

I'm interested in this point of yours. If I understand by and large the issue (I'm especially sensible these days, because I'm also working on overloads of some algorithms for deque<T>::iterator) there are no particular problems as long as your vector<T>::iterator is a type defined outside of vector... Besides, maybe, some tricky fall outs of the design choice related to ADL, recently explained again in the context of ""fixing ADL""?!? Is there something else I'm missing of the full picture?

The basic idea is this:

template<class It> void f( It first, It last )
   // generic implementation

template<class T> void f( T * first, T * last )
   // optimized implementation
   // takes advantage of the fact that [first, last)
   // is guaranteed contiguous

template<class C> void g( C & c )
   g( c.begin(), c.end() );

If all containers that keep their elements in a contiguous block of memory (std::vector, std::string, std::valarray, user-defined array, string, matrix types) return pointers from begin/end, this code will automatically be optimal.

Otherwise, g() needs specific overloads for every container, in order to pass pointers to f() (using data() for string, &v[0] for vector, and so on.)

It is not possible to do the optimization by adding overloads to f(), because in

template<class T> void f( vector<T>::iterator first, vector<T>::iterator last );

T is a nondeduced context (*). You _can_ do the optimization in the implementation of the C++ library, but not in user code.

One alternative solution is to add a Contiguous iterator category that refines Random Access.

(*) typename omitted for brevity. :-)

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