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Re: [PATCH] New *-*-solaris2.x cross configury, including looser wchar_t requirements for all targets

On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 04:03:26PM -0400, Phil Edwards wrote:
> For 3.3, we're just this side of a release, so reviewing this in the context
> of 3.3 should be delayed until after 3.3.1 ships.  For the trunk, I've run
> the configury through a blender, so a different patch would have to be made.
> Could I ask you to revisit the topic once we finish the autotools conversion?
> Cross-configury (may|will) be easier at that point anyhow.

Certainly.  I saw word of new configuration on the way, and I'll adapt
this to that when things are stable on the trunk and resubmit in the

Brad Spencer - - "It's quite nice..."
Systems Architect | InfoInterActive Corp. | A Canadian AOL Company

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