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4301:test: /sbin/loader: Warning: Can't find strong symbol for _XXXXX

   I encountered a trouble while I build my c++ code
with gcc.3.0.2 in Tru64 V4.
There had not gcc compiler in the alpha computer
before I installed it by using a 
binary package gcc-3.0.2.setld.tar.Z downloaded from
   My c++ code had been compiled and linked to a
progrm by gcc.2.95.3 in Solaris8 
for intel. Now, when I compile the code in Tru64, some
warnings will appeare such 
as following:
./obj/test.o: std::ostream::write(char const*, long):
weak symbol multiply defined
./obj/test.o: std::basic_ios<char,
std::char_traits<char> >::setstate std::_Ios_Iostate):
weak symbol multiply defined
Subsequently, while running the program, there will
also appear so many warning 
such as following:
4301:test: /sbin/loader: Warning: Can't find strong
symbol for _ZTIt
4301:test: /sbin/loader: Warning: Can't find strong
symbol for _ZTSPKs
4301:test: /sbin/loader: Warning: Can't find strong
symbol for _ZTSPs
4301:test: /sbin/loader: Warning: Can't find strong
symbol for _ZTSs
4301:test: /sbin/loader: Warning: Can't find strong
symbol for _ZTIs
Finally, the correct result of progam is obtained.
I know that the first kind of warning may be cleaned
by add a compile flag 
-fno-weak. But I fail to clear the second  kind of
warning, and as we know, 
it is the more important.

Any thoughts about?

The following are the relational codes:
1, test.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include "sparseM.h"
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
int main(void)
	dataT<int> one(1,1,9);
	sparseM<dataT<int> > oneM(2,2);
	dataT<int> *temp=oneM.getElement(1,1);
	cout<<"This is a test program for fork"<<endl;
	return 1;
2, sparseM.h

#ifndef __SPARSEM_H__
#define __SPARSEM_H__
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;

template <class Type>
class dataT{
template <class T>
class sparseM{
// the template class implemental code
3, Makefile

CC   = alpha-dec-osf4.0d-g++
RES  = 
OBJ  = test.o  $(RES)
LIBS =  -L/opt/TWWfsw/gcc302/lib -L/usr/lib
INCS =  -I"/usr/opt/TWWfsw/gcc302/include/g++-v3" 
BIN  = test
CFLAGS = $(INCS) -fno-weak
.PHONY: all  clean 
all: test
	rm -f $(OBJ) 
$(BIN): $(OBJ) 
	$(CC) $(OBJ) -o "test" $(LIBS) $(CFLAGS)
test.o: test.cpp
	$(CC) -c test.cpp -o test.o $(CFLAGS)

Do You Yahoo!? 

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