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Re: rel_ops (was Re: GCC 3.1 Release)

Joe Buck <> writes:

| Richard Kreckel writes:
| > Sorry, that beats me.  When you overload or specialize any operator> then
| > a templated operator> that would match the same signature should not take
| > precedence, be it in some namespace or not.  And it doesn't seem to happen
| > in GCC as far as I can see and it would be a freaking bug if it happened
| > as far as I can tell.  Gaby, I have repeatedly asked you to explain the
| > problems you keep mentioning but you never answered.  Could someone please
| > enlighten me and provide a scenario where the operators in std::rel_ops
| > take precendence over operators that would have been selected otherwise.
| Before the bug was fixed, the problem was not that std::rel_ops::operator!=
| took precedence over the != for __normal_iterator, it was that neither one
| took precedence (there was an ambiguity).

std::rel_ops::operator!= can take precedence in specific cases (not
for __normal_iterator).  See the example I just posted.

-- Gaby

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