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Re: ./map_insert.exe: relocation error: ./map_insert.exe: undefined symbol: _ZSt14_S_rb_tree_red

> > under the "######## hmmmmm, the rediculous hacks section....".
> The link map stuff is not on by default: have you explicitly turned
> support for it on?

Are you sure?  I see a file in the src build directory.
This is linux not hpux.  It has:

######## hmmmmm, the rediculous hacks section....
    ## std::_S_rb_tree_red

    ## std::_S_rb_tree_black


I tried turning these off but it made no different wrt the relocation

The main reason I mentioned the linker map was it seemed to indicated
that there are issues on other OS's with these symbols.  I think this
is a binutils problem because I looked at the assembler output for and, and couldn't see any problem that
was obvious.

J. David Anglin                        
National Research Council of Canada              (613) 990-0752 (FAX: 952-6605)

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