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Re: Amortized Analysis

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Kevin Atkinson wrote:

> On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, David Sankel wrote:
> > For people who don't know what it is:
> >
> > Page 356
> > Introduction To Algrothms
> > Cormen Leiserson Rivest
> > David J. Sankel
> Here is a more helpful explanation:
> The amortized time an operation takes is the average time that operation
> takes over an entire sequence of operation.  For example in a serious of
> 100 operations if all but the first operation has time n (100) but all the
> other operations have constant time than the amortized time is roughly (n
> + n)/n which is (100 + 100)/100 which is 2.
> Since what probably takes the most time when expanding a string is the
> copying of the data for this analysis I will only count the number of
> characters copied.  The same numbers will come out if the number of bytes
> allocated or deleted was counted. I will also assume characters are
> appended a character at a time.  It is also the cause the the roughly the
> same numbers will come out if characters were always added in constant
> size blocks or for that matter blocks or random sizes.
> In the case of always allocating an additional character the average
> time number of characters copied to add n character to an empty string is
Those last to lines should read

In the case of always allocating an additional character the amortized
time it takes to add a single charter when n characters are added to an
empty string is:

> roughly (1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n )/n which roughly (n(n+1))/(2 n) which is
> (n+1)/2 which is about n/2.  Thus the amoritized time is not constant but
> linear to the number of appends.
> Tn the case of always allocating x size blocks when ever more space is
> needed the number of characters copies is roughly
Make that: the amortized time is roughly
> (x + 2 x + ... + n)/n which is x (1 + 2 + ... + n/x)/n which is
> x (n/x)(n/x+1)/(2 n) which is about n/(2 x) which is better but still
> linear.
> On the other hand when always allocated x times the length the string the
> number of copies is roughly:
Make that: the amortized time is roughly:
>   (1 + x + x^2 + x^3 + ... + n)/n
> which is:
>   sum(x^i, i = 0 ... log[x](n))/n
> where log[x](n) means log base x of n.
> this becomes:
>   x^log[x](n) - 1     n^log[x](x) - 1      n - 1
>   ---------------  = ---------------- = -----------
>     n (x-1)               n (x-1)         n (x - 1)
> which is about 1/(x-1).  In the case of doubling this number is 1.  In the
> case of expanding by a factor of 1.5 this number is 2 but you don't waste
> as much space.
> Personally I think all STL containers should have a shrink method so that
> the container can shrink to the exact size needed once you are done adding
> to it.  I know you can always create a new container and make a copy but
> this has the potential to be not as efficient as just freeing the unused
> memory.  Because in some cases this memory can be freed without any
> copying or reallocation being done.  For example in the case of very large
> strings which are allocated with mmap.
> ---
> Kevin Atkinson
> kevina at users sourceforge net

Kevin Atkinson
kevina at users sourceforge net

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