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Release 3.2: April 22, 1999

     New feature: <valarray> header, as defined in section 26.3 of the C++
     <limits> header is now supported on compilers that lack support for
     constant initialization of static const data
     members, such as Microsoft v6.0. 
     Performance improvements in copy for compilers that lack support for
     partial specialization of templates. 
     Improved support for insert_iterator when used with hash tables and
     Documentation bug fix: documentation now makes it clear which library
     features are standard and which are SGI
     Bug fixes. 

Hm. Now we have two basic_strings and two valarrays...
Perhaps in a near future we will have two free implementations of libstdc++?

Ryszard Kabatek
Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Department of Physical Chemistry
Geusaer Str. 88, 06217 Merseburg, Germany
Tel. +49 3461 46 2487 Fax. +49 3461 46 2129