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Documentation of libstdc++-2.90.7

after following the discussion on this reflector a long time
I finally found time to try the actual version out.
As I did it as a kind of "newbie" I found some things
for which I'd like to give feedback or offer help
to improve the current version.

My general critisims (beside a lot of praise of what you all do)
regards the current documentation.
IMO it is organized in a way that is not very intuitive and
could get improved.
For example, I had trouble to find the informations about
how to install the library
 (of course my fault, but others might be similar stupid)
 What I did was:
 - reading README, but as I did read it not carefully enough,
   not recognizing the hint to RELEASE-NOTES
 - trying to find some installation hint on the web site
 - finding the hint to RELEASE-NOTES
 - trying to find RELEASE-NOTES (as it is not in the top directory)
 - and the finding RELEASE-NOTES

The built itself went fine.

However after the built I tried -honor-std and things again got
I found some informations in the HOWTO-honor-std thread, which I
stored in my personal mail folder.
This should be made public, IMO (in FAQ or a README or ...)

After investigating on the current documentation, I'd like
to OFFER the following:
- I'd like to create a install.html on top of the tarball.
  It should contain links to all local file that might be relevant.
  (starting with RELEASE-NOTES).
- I'd like to insert the contents of the HOWTO-honor-std mail by
  Benjamin somewhere.
- May be I find more things to improve the usability for newbies a bit
  (such a implementing a script to enable -honor-std).
Are you interested?
Is anybody els working on this issue so that I had to
synchronize the workwith him/her?

Note: I am currently not joining the CVS tree and as I have not much time,
I'd like to avoid as much efford to submit my proposals as possible.
So somebody might have to do the final integration (or tell me where to
find the way, I have to participate; yes, I was too rotton to find it on my

Hope it helps

Nicolai M. Josuttis 
Solutions in Time

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