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Re: How to do bootstrap build on OSX to get gcj?

On Wed, 20 Sep 2006, Mike Purdy wrote:

I would like to build the sources on OSX to get gcj. I've downloaded gcc-core-4.1.1.tar.bz2, gcc-g++-4.1.1.tar.bz2, and gcc-java-4.1.1.tar.bz2 and then un-tarred them. Not sure at this point what to do to configure the build and then invoke the bootstrap build.

Anyone know how I should proceed?

On Intel Mac OS X or PPC Mac OS X ?

For Intel you need a set of patches that was posted here a while ago, see:
I don't know if these patches have been checked in anywhere yet.

For PPC Mac OS X, you should just be able to run configure as usual. Here is how I do it:

../gcc-3.4.4/configure --enable-threads=posix \
                       --prefix=/usr/local/gcc-3.4.4 \

On PPC Mac OS X, I wasn't able to build gcj 4.x yet directly. But I got gcj 4.1.1 to build via darwinports.

I hope this helps...


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