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Re: GCJ and C++ (calling Java from C++)

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Lothar Werzinger wrote:

I did check the generated headers and found something peculiar that may
contribute to the problem I have calling the Java classes from C++.

In Java the Addressable , Library and LibraryImpl classes looks like this:

 public interface Addressable extends EObject

 public interface Library extends Addressable

 public class LibraryImpl extends EObjectImpl implements Library

in the generated headers from gcjh i get this:

 class org::eclipse::emf::examples::extlibrary::Addressable
 : public ::java::lang::Object

 class org::eclipse::emf::examples::extlibrary::Library
 : public ::java::lang::Object

 class org::eclipse::emf::examples::extlibrary::impl::LibraryImpl
 : public ::org::eclipse::emf::ecore::impl::EObjectImpl

So the LibraryImpl class misses the inheritance to the interface Library, the Library class misses the inheritance to the interface Addressable and the Addressable class misses the inheritance to EObject

Thus I have the following questions:

Can this be the cause of the problems I have?

Is there a way to fix/work around this problem?

I've seen something similar caused by bug 15411. The workaround has been to manually declare the missing abstract methods in the java sources.


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