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Re: libgcj and VxWorks...

David> Has anyone tried to port libgcj to VxWorks?
David> It is possible that I will be trying to do something like this in the
David> near future, and was wondering if anyone had tried it before, or knows
David> how difficult it might be.

I don't think anyone has done it.  ISTR looking at it a little in the
distant past, far too distant for me to remember anything useful.

The difficulty of porting depends heavily on how similar the target OS
is to existing ports.  Also there are some tricky areas; for instance,
you need to be able to teach the GC about the thread system (how to
stop threads, how to find the stack boundaries of all threads, etc).
Also you will probably need a fair amount of configury hacking.

There are some documents on the web site about porting the thread and
I/O layers.  They are out of date :-(.  But the general ideas are
pretty similar to when these were written.


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