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Re: JavMail and JAF -- where are they being used?

Fernando Nasser wrote:
> I am trying to access how much the JavaMail and JAF (activation) classes 
> have been put to a test.  I know they have been compiled with GCJ and 
> they were available through rhug.  But I don't know what may have used 
> these in either .so library or bytecode form.

There aren't any unit tests for these packages; if you'd like to write
some, it would be much appreciated, but due to the largely network-based
nature of the tests, it can be difficult to configure them.

In JAR form, system testing has largely taken place by replacing
Sun's mail.jar and activation.jar with the GNU versions and running a
JavaMail client such as IceMail ( I'm not aware
of any showstopping problems. Again, if you have a better strategy, please
let us know.

There are currently problems, previously discussed on this list,
relating to the inclusion of system resources in natively compiled
versions of these libraries, which are not yet resolved. There is a
testcase project for building a number of such GNU projects with complex
dependencies at

> Also, they are from Classpath, so perhaps some projects get them 
> straight from there.


I'm in the process of making some prerelease packages; they will then be
available from and in Debian unstable.
Chris Burdess

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