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Re: gcj's IO performance vs blackdown JDK

Hi Bryce,

>Here's my BufferedReader and InputStreamReader improvements. Perhaps 
>you would like to bake these versions off against your modifications. 
>In the case of BufferedReader the new code is a lot simpler as well as 
>potentially more efficient, since it gets rid of all the special-case 
>checks for "\r" at the end of each line.

I love this sort of variations-on-a-theme kind of coding! I'm anxious to try it out.

Just skimming your files, I saw one bug in[],int,int):

  public int read (char[] buf, int offset, int count) throws IOException
<< censored >>

int charsRead = 0;
int wchars = wcount - wpos;
if (wchars > 0)
    // Flush chars from "work" buffer.
    System.arraycopy(work, wpos, buf, offset, wchars);
    offset += wchars;
    charsRead += wchars;

<< censored >>

The System.arraycopy will try to overrun the passed-in buffer if wchars > count.

I'll take this for a spin this weekend.

-- Mohan

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