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Re: linux audio software using gcj&swt!

>>>>> "Bryce" == Bryce McKinlay <> writes:

>> 3) are there plans for a "fake" jni bridge, which would allow to
>> compile jni libraries and the "client-app" into a single binary
>> (for better performance?)

Bryce> Its already possible to do this, with a few tweaks.

In theory you can do it with libltdl pre-loading.  I don't know that
anybody has ever tried it.

Bryce> I don't know the exact details, but I believe redhat are doing
Bryce> it for their eclipse build.

Nope, for this we're just doing the usual thing, loading the shared
libraries via System.loadLibrary.  For eclipse this is simplest, since
it implements ClassLoader.findLibrary to find the libraries based on
various settings.


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