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Re: Mixing native and bytecode (Swing)?

At 11:17 06/10/2003 -0400, Jeff Sturm wrote:

While in theory you could run an unbundled swing with gcj, it's going to
depend on java.awt support that isn't really mature yet.  And I'm not sure
that Sun's license would permit use of swing separate from the JRE.

You see, gcj and the JRE are really separate products and don't
interoperate whatsoever.  So there are probably technical hurdles and
perhaps licensing also.

This is what I don't really understand, because I thought that GIJ was a fully-fledged JVM, able to run any existing classes, and that GCJ was able to compile any Java source to bytecode as well as native code. Thus I don't understand why there should be a problem for GIJ running Swing, as long as it's using the Sun classes and not the clean room GCJ implementation, which you say "isn't really mature yet."

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