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Re: Step-By-Step Build Instructions for MinGW gcc/gcj 3.4 Compilers

Hi Mohan

Good idea.

I've re-assembled in your instructions in the script below. I've got three remarks

(1) /data requires root permissions. Why build in a location that requires root
permissions? Can we re-arrange stuff so that the building occurs in a directory of
choice (probably in a home directory)?

(2) The patching is highly interactive, defeating the idea of using a script. Can you
instruct the patch command to "force" stuff correctly and stop asking all
kinds of questions?

(3) There should be one script, applicable to most developers, that downloads,
builds, and installs the release sources; and one script that goes to CVS for the
current version. Most developers will want the release sources. I'd like to focus on
that one first. The downloading and building should be without root permissions. The
installing, possibly. I guess /usr/local is the appropriate location to install
to (and it requires root permissions).

If you are interested, I intend to polish the script until it automatically creates
the three compilers (for now, for 3.3): the native linux, the cross-mingw, and the
native mingw one; all on linux.

The idea is also to avoid any possible "option". I mean, the script should take no
options at all, if possible. If someone needs an "option", he should simply modify
the script. We can always explain how to modify the script, but the script itself
should have no options. There would be too many anyway.

I've completed it until the script gets to patching. That part should really be
reviewed (and told to shut up, asking all kinds of questions).


# script re-assembled by Erik Poupaert.
# automating bits and bobs in Mohan's crossmingw download procedure
# at
# you need root permissions to download to this location?
#clean existing stuff
rm -rf $SRCDIR
mkdir $SRCDIR
mkdir /$SRCDIR/gcc
cd /$SRCDIR/gcc
mkdir -p $SRCDIR/gcc/sources
# get mingw tarballs
cd /$SRCDIR/gcc/sources
wget $SF_DOWNLOAD/binutils-2.14.90-20030612-1.tar.gz
wget $SF_DOWNLOAD/binutils-2.14.90-20030612-1-src.tar.gz
wget $SF_DOWNLOAD/mingw-runtime-3.0.tar.gz
wget $SF_DOWNLOAD/w32api-2.3.tar.gz
cd /$SRCDIR/gcc
tar xvfz mingw32-gcc-scripts.tar.gz
# get gcc from cvs
cd $SRCDIR/gcc
# apply patches
$SRCDIR/gcc/contrib/gcc_update --touch
cd $SRCDIR/gcc/gcc/gcc/java/
patch -p0 < $SRCDIR/gcc/diffs/34/msg00565.diff
patch -p0 < $SRCDIR/gcc/diffs/34/msg00064.diff

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