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Re: os.arch and is incorrect

Ranjit Mathew wrote:

- JDK 1.4.1: "Native binaries for "Windows 2000" "x86" native libraries .."

- GCJ: "Native binaries for "Windows 2000" "i586" native libraries .."

Why is this wrong? It's just slightly different from the JDK output - the
JDK 1.4.1 docs merely say "os.arch" is "Operating system architecture".

This is not a bug, but IMHO an unfortunate choice.
Think at the potential user of the os.arch property.
Beside printing pretty messages, it will probably be
used to identify a specific architecture, like Intel's one.
How would you code a function like:

  boolean isIntelArch() {

If everybody puts slightly different values in there?

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