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Re: Java web pages

On 18 Jan 2001, Tom Tromey wrote:

> Finally I'll move over the mailing lists and mailing list archives.

Was it agreed that the java-announce and java-testresults lists ought to
die for lack of traffic (but their archives be moved over - such as they
are - those of java-testresults don't seem to contain any messages, though
the 2000-01 and 2000-04 directories give a 403 Forbidden error)?  What
about java-cvs?

What's happening about the Java FTP directory?  If it needs a separate one
- rather than just using the main GCC mail-archives and old-releases
directories - can it move to /pub/gcc/java (with a symlink) so that the mirror list can be referred to rather than the one?

[ The only libstdc++ move issues remaining that I'm aware of are the
reference to the mirror list, and I'm not sure whether
the PRs in the old libstdc++ GNATS database have been copied to the GCC

Joseph S. Myers

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