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Re: uncertain patch: foo_LINK needs foo_LDFLAGS

>>>>> "Adam" == Adam Megacz <> writes:

Adam> Without this patch, the invocations of gcj to build the various tools
Adam> lack the --main=XXX flag.  The patch below seemed like the right way
Adam> to fix this, but I'm left wondering how this worked in the first
Adam> place.  Am I missing something big here?  Does this work as-is for
Adam> other people?

Automake adds _LDFLAGS to the link automatically.  E.g., from

jv-convert$(EXEEXT): $(jv_convert_OBJECTS) $(jv_convert_DEPENDENCIES) 
	@rm -f jv-convert$(EXEEXT)
	$(jv_convert_LINK) $(jv_convert_LDFLAGS) $(jv_convert_OBJECTS) $(jv_convert_LDADD) $(LIBS)


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