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[PATCH} Fix off-by-one mistake

Without this one cannot create a DataFlavor and specify, for instance, the class. The Acunia tests which use it are failing without this fix.

2003-12-02 Fernando Nasser <>

        * java/awt/datatransfer/ (getParameter): Fix off-by-one
        error which was clipping off the first character of a parameter value.
Index: java/awt/datatransfer/
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/libjava/java/awt/datatransfer/,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -c -p -r1.11
*** java/awt/datatransfer/	11 Nov 2003 12:22:18 -0000	1.11
--- java/awt/datatransfer/	8 Dec 2003 22:53:28 -0000
*************** getParameter(String paramName, String mi
*** 459,465 ****
    if (idx == -1)
!   String value = mimeString.substring(idx + paramName.length() + 2);
    idx = value.indexOf(" ");
    if (idx == -1)
--- 459,465 ----
    if (idx == -1)
!   String value = mimeString.substring(idx + paramName.length() + 1);
    idx = value.indexOf(" ");
    if (idx == -1)

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