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Re: Patch: Window and Dialog fixes

>>>>> "Tom" == Thomas Fitzsimmons <> writes:

>> I think Window.hide() will fail during the window between when the
>> `weakThis' is cleared and when the actual window is finalized -- this
>> isn't an atomic operation.  In this situation, I'd expect a
>> NullPointerException.  

Tom> Hmm, I don't understand.  By cleared you mean removed from the
Tom> ownedWindows vector?

Nope, I meant when the WeakReference is cleared.
In the loops, when you use Reference.get(), you have to make sure
that the result isn't null.

Tom> I think I must have been using the wrong compiler or something when I
Tom> saw this.  When the jboolean argument was true in the java code, it was
Tom> being passed to the JNI code with a value of 112.

Did you see this in the debugger, or some other way?  I've noticed
sometimes gdb will get confused about jboolean.  I'm not sure exactly
when; never had enough info for a bug report.


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