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Re: Patch for Review: JvGetStringUTF and JvTempCString

Mohan Embar writes:
 > Hi Andrew,
 > > > 1. So are we okay with the approach where:
 > > > 
 > > > - the helper class allocates 256 bytes on the stack and tries to cram
 > > >   the string in there if it fits
 > >
 > >Up to 256 bytes; don't allocate memory that you won't use.
 > How would I parameterize the 256 in this class? (I'm sure you wouldn't
 > want to make this a template class....)

Use a macro.  Create the temp and pass it to the constructor.

 > > > 2. Shall I try to run some crude timings so see whether _Jv_Malloc() or
 > > > _Jv_AllocBytes() is a faster?
 > >
 > >It might be interesting, but it isn't very important.
 > My gut feeling is to avoid _Jv_AllocBytes() in order to avoid the
 > extra GC bookkeeping. Bryce brought up the issues about thread-local
 > allocation, but this might be less critical because the stack-allocated
 > buffer will presumably handle the majority of cases in the library
 > code where this class is intended to be used.

Exactly.  Optimize the well-trodden path, but make sure the system
will still work for the weird ones.

So, if someone passes you a one megabyte string, keep working, don't
crash, but don't worry if it slows down a bit.  :-)


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