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Re: Patch for Preview: jcf-io.c and Win32 case-insensitive filename handling

> This proposed patch aims to resolve gcj compilation glitches due
> to the Win32 case-insensitive filesystem. For my native MingW

BTW, does it fix the following test case?

Create files "" and "foo/" within a single
folder on Win32 (note the case of the names). just contains "public class Foo { }".

"foo/" just contains "package foo; public class Bar { }".


1. if you do "gcj -C foo/" *without* compiling first,
   you get:
-------------------------------- 8< --------------------------------
.\ error: Public class `Foo' must be defined in a file called `'.
   public class Foo { }
1 error
-------------------------------- 8< --------------------------------

2. if you do "gcj -C foo/" *after* compiling to 
   Foo.class, you get:
-------------------------------- 8< -------------------------------- In class `foo.Bar': In constructor `()': fatal error: reading class Foo for the second time from .\foo.class
compilation terminated.
-------------------------------- 8< --------------------------------

Note that for some reason, GCJ has lower-cased "foo.class" in the 
second error message - I could not find an explicit tolower( )/TOLOWER( )
anywhere, so there's something else going on here.

Even for the test case in the ZIP file that Mohan has attached, I get
the following error (with Mohan's 3.3 build), in which the name has 
been mysteriously "lowercased" for
-------------------------------- 8< --------------------------------
E:\src\Test\GCJ\Case>gcj -C mytest\
.\mytest/ error: Class `mytest.MyTest' already defined in mytest\
   public class MyTest
.\mytest/ confused by earlier errors, bailing out
-------------------------------- 8< --------------------------------



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