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Re: Patch for Preview: Escape DllMain in boehm-gc

Hi Ranjit,

>:-) Well, for starters, I'm not the one to approve or
>disapprove of any of your patches - the approval for
>libgcj (as far as I've seen) comes mainly from Tom/Mark
>and that for the front-end from Andrew/Per.

I wasn't implying that you were; however, I see your
approval as a necessary prerequisite to the patch being
approved by the "higher-ups" :)

>As for the patch itself, I believe that GC_DLL doesn't
>actually get defined by anyone in this release - this
>should get defined most likely if "--enable-shared" is
>given via changes in

I had a sinking feeling this was the case, also after
examining the code, but the messages seemed to indicate
the contrary. My mistake. I'll go at this again and submit
another patch.

-- Mohan

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