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Re: Patch: core protocol take 2

Anthony Green wrote:

>BTW - perhaps we should also add
>    -Wl,-u,_ZN3gnu3gcj8protocol4core7Handler6class$E
>to libgcj.spec so that we always force it in.  I think the core protocol is
>cool for embedded systems, but I forsee confusion if we rely on Class.forName
>and don't force the protocol handler into the link.
We do this currently for the other protocol drivers by just adding a 
static field in gnu/gcj/runtime/, so you can just add 
the new protocol in there. A better solution would be to add a runtime 
option to libgcj so that it dumps out a list of all the classes which 
are loaded by Class.forName(), Resource.getBundle(), etc, during a test 
run of a program. This list could then be fed back into gcj when doing a 
static build. It would be a more general solution, but perhaps more work 
than what most users want to do.



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