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Re: [PATCH] Import java/lang/ from classpath, test.

>>>>> "Alex" == Alexandre Petit-Bianco <> writes:

Alex> I need ThreadLocal for a package I'd like to build. I imported
Alex> ThreadLocal and wrote a test to make sure it functions minimally.

Alex> Test on x86/linux. OK to commit?

Yeah.  Note however that ThreadLocal really requires WeakHashMap.  We
"have" that, but it doesn't really work.  I do have java.lang.ref.* in
a tree here, but I'm not quite ready to check it in yet.  I will be
checking it in as soon as possible -- hopefully this month.

If you need InheritableThreadLocal then you also have to patch  I have this too.  Sorry about holding these patches so
long.  They really will go out soon.


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