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Ryzen PPA znver1 optimizations

I have been working on some PPA's that will provide standard Ubuntu
and Linux Mint packages that are compiled with the znver1 cpu
optimisations (Ryzen CPU). It has been quite tedious (though not
particularly hard) to modify existing packages to be compiled with
"-march=znver1" cflags and cxxflags, and since I started creating a
toolchain to make the builds in the PPAs compile more reliably while
producing broken less packages, I decided to modify GCC to always spit
out ryzen optimised code automatically regardless of what code is
thrown at it.

I changed each instance of =generic in gcc/config.gcc to =znver1, and
each instance of cpu=<something> to cpu=znver1, and each instance of
arch=<something> that wasn't i386, i486, i586, i686, i786, x86-64, or
x86_64 to arch=znver1.

So what I think will happen is that I will set a PPA with a dependency
on the PPA with the modified GCC, and any package I upload/copy to the
aforementioned PPA that is compiling to x86 code will compile as
though I set the "-march=znver1" option. Does anyone know whether or
not this is going to work the way I think it will, or know how I can
test to see if such is the case with the resulting binary packages?

Also, is there a better way to do what I am trying to do?

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