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Re: How do I stop gcc from loading data into registers when that's not needed?

On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 2:50 AM Paul Koning <> wrote:

> > On May 22, 2018, at 3:26 PM, Segher Boessenkool <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > -fdump-rtl-combine-all (or just -da or -dap), and then look at the dump
> > file.  Does combine try this combination?  If so, it will tell you what
> > the resulting costs are.  If not, why does it not try it?
> >
> >> Sorry, I'm not very familiar with this area of GCC either.  Did you
> >> that combine at least tries to merge the memory ops into the
> >
> > It should, it's a simple reg dependency.  In many cases it will even do
> > it if it is not single-use (via a 3->2 combination).

> I examined what gcc does with two simple functions:

> void c2(void)
> {
>      if (x < y)
>          z = 1;
>      else if (x != y)
>          z = 42;
>      else
>          z = 9;
> }

> void c3(void)
> {
>      if (x < y)
>          z = 1;
>      else
>          z = 9;
> }

> Two things popped out.

> 1. The original RTL (from the expand phase) has a memory->register move
for x and y in c2, but it doesn't for c3 (it simply generates a
memory/memory compare there).  What triggers the different choice in that

> 2. The reported costs for the various insns are
>          r22:HI=['x']            6
>          cmp(r22:HI,r23:HI)      4
>          cmp(['x'],['y'])        16
>     so the added cost for the memory argument in the cmp is 6 -- the same
as the whole cost for the mov.  That certainly explains the behavior.  It
isn't what I want it to be.  Which target hook(s) are involved in these
numbers?  I don't see them in my rtx_costs hook.

The rtx_cost hook.   I think the costs above make sense.  There's also a
new insn_cost hook but you have to dig whether combine uses that.
Otherwise address_cost might be involved.


>          paul

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