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Re: Please support Coroutines TS in C++


On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 2:21 PM, Ramón García <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Please consider supporting the Coroutines TS in GNU C++.
> It is really important to make asynchronous programming usable.
> Modern programs should be scalable to use the performance of multicore
> processors. Stackless coroutines allow the programmer to scale to
> millions of asynchronous requests. But without the primitives in the
> Concurrency TS, chaining the result of an asynchronous computation to
> the next step, one must program a chain of callbacks. It becomes
> quickly unusable.
> The promise/future, as specified in the concurrency TS, (that is, with
> the function future::then for chaining a callback to the completion of
> the future) make asynchronous programming somewhat more usable.
> Unfortunately, almost no C++ library shipped supports future with
> then.
> This is an excellent explanation of the Coroutines TS:
> Both Visual C++ 2017 and CLANG (SVN version) support the Coroutines
> TS. Please consider it.
> I saw that someone started an attempt at implementing it:
> but there
> were no replies.

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