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Re: Atomic operations and unaligned memory

On 03/26/2015 04:02 PM, Jason Merrill wrote:
The wiki page says,

  typedef char B3[3];
  _Atomic B3 obj2;

An object will be promoted up to the next lock-free size in order to enable lock free operations, as long as it isn't already a documented lock free size. So obj2 will be promoted to a 4 byte object with whatever alignment is required in order to enable lock-free operations.

But the implementation doesn't follow this. First, the above is rejected due to applying _Atomic to an array type. If we wrap the array in a struct, the resulting atomic object still has size 3 and alignment 1.

Did the design change, or is this a bug?

That was the original grand plan... I vaguely recall a slow backing away from that as not being worth the trouble and previously unforeseen complications arising.

I would hazard a guess that its now a design change.


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