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Re: OpenACC in GCC - how does it not violate the license?

On 11/16/13 22:22, Jeff Law wrote:
On 11/16/13 21:58, Alec Teal wrote:
Now while great, is this true!? Nvidia (IIRC, this was like a year ago
though) don't even give out the instruction set for their GPUs, can we
have GCC targeting closed things? Also there (must be and is) a Cuda
runtime, wouldn't we need an open runtime to link against?

The various projects looking at supporting OpenACC are, to the best of my
knowledge, targeting PTX, which is a virtual ISA from NVidia which is published.

Correct. PTX is a perfectly well defined architecture, albeit for a virtual machine. The specification is public. IMHO this is no different to, say, targeting Java byte code.

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