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Re: Requirements on Binutils and Linux kernel for GCC + Libsanitizer (was: Re: Bootstrap broken on x86_64 Linux?)


On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 10:34 PM, FX <> wrote:
>> Unfortunately, we are not able to keep up with the old kernels.
>> Two possible ways to go:
>>  - disable libsanitizer on older kernels
>>  - someone needs to work with us in upstream repository (llvm) to keep the code old-kernel-compatible
> (It appears to be not only kernel, but binutils.)
> I think, at least the following should be done:
>   - identify and document the minimal requirements
Agree. From our side we can only guarantee Ubuntu 12.04 and higher.

>   - test for necessary features at compilation time (we have full autoconf, presence of crucial headers should be tested) and issue a meaningful error message if they are not found
>   - ideally, but I know it is more work: disable libsanitizer automatically from toplevel configure if requirements are not met
> This is what is done for dependencies of all default parts of the compiler, as far as I can tell.
> FX

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