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Re: Fw: [RE-SENDING]Re: MCSoC2013: to enhance embedded Linux for many-core system

On 18 December 2012 03:06, ETANI NORIKO wrote:
> Of course, we can use GCC on a host core, and we can use MPFR and GMP. However, as long as we use LD to link object files and create a binary file for a computing device core, we cannot use MPFR and GMP.
> Here, we would like to ask you as follows:
> 1) Can LD have a function to link MPFR and GMP like GCC?
> Or
> 2) MPFR and GMP are installed in GCC with GCC toolchain. Can MPFR and GMP be created as static libraries independent of GCCï

Yes, if you install them with --disable-shared then GCC will not
depend on them at runtime.

See for an even easier solution
using contrib/download_prerequisites

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