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Re: Proposed gcc plugin plugin API mk 2 (this time without camel case!)

On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 7:21 PM, David Malcolm <> wrote:
> I wrote a script and ported my proposed API for GCC plugins from my
> CamelCase naming convention to an underscore_based_convention (and
> manually fixed up things in a few places also).
> The result compiles and passes the full test suite for the Python
> plugin; that said, I'm still breaking the encapsulation in quite a few
> places (hey, this is an experimental prototype).
> You can see the latest version of it within the "proposed-plugin-api"
> branch of the Python plugin here:
> within the "proposed-plugin-api" subdirectory.

Hmm, how do I get it?  I did

git clone

but there is nothing in gcc-python-plugin/.  And

git checkout proposed-plugin-api

says I'm already there ...?


> How is this looking?
> If this landed e.g. in GCC 4.8, would this be usable by other plugins?
> Hope this is helpful
> Dave

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