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Re: Using C++ in GCC is OK

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 12:00:21PM -0400, Vladimir Makarov wrote:
> Mark Mitchell wrote:
>> I am pleased to report that the GCC Steering Committee and the FSF have
>> approved the use of C++ in GCC itself.  Of course, there's no reason for
>> us to use C++ features just because we can.  The goal is a better
>> compiler for users, not a C++ code base for its own sake.
> Personally, I am not enthusiastic about this decision.  But I know I am  
> minority in this and I don't want to start a flame war on this topic.

I'm not enthusiastic about that either.

> I just really hope we will have strict criteria that any transition will  
> not make compiler slower and will not increase compiler build time.

Nor will grow the memory footprint, at least of the important data
structures, or increase maintanance costs by making the code less readable,


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