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Re: Using C++ in GCC is OK

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Robert Dewar <> wrote:
> åææ wrote:
>> I have FUD on the use of "advanced" C++ features like template(even
>> standard template), namespace, exceptions. This is partly because my
>> favorite source code analyzer can not handle them properly. I have
>> tried to use my favorite source code analyzer to analyze LLVM source
>> code, which use C++ standard template aggressively, the result is not
>> ideal . I also have tried to use it to analyze Open64 source code,
>> which does not use template, the result is much better .It would be
>> nice if there are another template-free encapsulation over standard
>> template. ÂFor example, an template-free container encapsulating
>> standard container template.
> It's a pity to exclude namespaces, the advantage of breaking the
> single-big-namespace model are evident.

I agree.  I would not exclude namespaces.

What I would add is a required "explicit" on all single-argument
constructors.  We want all conversions to be explicitly specified.
Do we have a warning for this we can use?

I would like to be able to use function overloading.

For the start we'd want to use -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti for stage2
and stage3.

Oh - and we didn't yet decide to switch to C++ as implementation
language.  Did we?


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