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Re: c++ template conformance: gcc vs MS

[Sorry, I pasted the wrong compiler output (but for the same bug).
Below is the corrected e-mail. ]

I've come across a possible issue with GCC's adherence to the C++
standard for handling template code (gcc version 4.3.2 20081105 from
Fedora 10).

The following code compiles fine under GCC (using -pedantic and
-std=c++98), but fails under Microsoft's C++ 2008 SP1.

Microsoft explains this on

Is GCC or Microsoft at fault ?

Code (from a header file):

template<typename T1>
struct get_num_type
?{ typedef T1 num_type; };

template<> ?// this line causes the problem
template<typename T2>
struct get_num_type< std::complex<T2> >
{ typedef T2 num_type; };

MS compilers gives:
error C2910: 'get_num_type<std::complex<_Other>>' : cannot be
explicitly specialized

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